Home studies: What you can expect and what we expect of you

Once you arrive at the home study portion of your adoption journey, there are a few things you can expect.

Before we can schedule your home screening visits, we need all documentation fully completed. You can send your required documents to us via USPS, email, or as a Google Drive document. You may also submit completed documents by placing them in our drop-box outside our office. Whenever possible, please complete forms electronically. Please do not submit pictures of applications or other documents. 

Home studies expire annually and foster home licenses expire biannually. We want to ensure that your required screenings and documentation stay current. While we do our best to send reminders and guide you throughout the process, it is ultimately your responsibility to keep track of expiration dates. One month prior to your expiration, we will send you an update packet. Timeframes for completed screenings vary greatly, so it is up to you to return documents and respond to inquiries in a timely manner to ensure the update screening visit takes place before your expiration date.

When working with outside agencies, it is also your responsibility to know their individual requirements as every agency has slightly different requirements. 

Payments for screenings are due in full on or before your first scheduled visit with the social worker. Reports will not be submitted until balances are paid in full.

For 2 parent, step-parent, and relative adoptions, we ask that you wait until after your screening is complete before you schedule any court dates. Once a hearing is scheduled, please be sure to inform us.

If you choose to pursue another means to build your family or decide adoption is not right for you, please let us know.

We are here to help you and want your adoption process to go as smoothly as possible, but we need your help too! Thank you for your cooperation, we look forward to working with you.